Wednesday, January 10, 2018

From our friends at the Gold Rush Chapter

First of all, our January Meeting is next Tuesday, January 16th at the Ivie
Lodge in Camp Glisson, Dahlonega.  Our speaker at this meeting is Jeff Wright
from Alpharetta Outfitters (one of our sponsors).  Also, we will be auctioning
off a 9ft, 5wt fly rod along with a 2nd prize of (270) flies and a 3rd prize of
a White River Fly Tackle Pack.  Also, we will be selling raffle tickets for the
2018 Dream Trip to the Henry's Fork in Idaho.  If you don't have your Dream Trip
tickets yet, please see Ken McKinnon at the meeting.  If you will be attending
this meeting, we need you to register by this Saturday at:

The second set of dates that I want to remind you of is Friday/Saturday, January
19th/20th.  This is the makeup dates that we have scheduled for our construction
project at Camp Glisson wherein we are building a bathhouse for middle school
aged kids to use in the spring when they become campers.  This is a very
important project and we can use all of your help that we can get.  Please
register right away at:  Friday  Saturday

We need you to register for one or both of these days so that the folks at Camp
Glisson know how much lunch to prepare for us on both days.

Let me know if you have any questions.  Looking forward to seeing you.
Neal Houtz
Trout Unlimited - Gold Rush Chapter

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