Below you will find information information regarding a 319 request
that will be submitted for this funding cycle on the Upper
Chattahoochee. I spoke with Nathan and Dale about trying to replicate
some of the 319 work we’ve been doing here in Habersham County. Much of
our success can be directly attributed to establishing formal
collaborative partners on key projects. In the next few days you’ll be
receiving information about how to connect with this project. Please
consider joining the effort.
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks in advance for your help!
Steven Patrick
Agriculture & Natural Resources
County Extension Coordinator
University of Georgia Extension
Habersham County, Northeast District
(706) 754-2318
Dale Caldwell
Headwaters Watershed Protection Specialist
Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
C: 770-530-3961
Keeping Watch Over Our Waters Since 1994!
Nacoochee Valley, Sautee Nacoochee
Summary and Site
Location: In the Appalachian foothills of northeast Georgia, the headwaters
of the Chattahoochee River flow through Sautee Nacoochee, an unincorporated
community in the eastern central part of White County. Within the Nacoochee
Valley and approximately 550 feet downstream of the confluence of Sautee Creek,
a 250-foot section of a highly eroded and unstable outer bank of the
Chattahoochee River results in heavy sediment pollution, negatively impacting
habitat for desirable flora and fauna in a “303(d) listed for biotic impairment
(Bio F)” section of the river, which is also located in a “Priority HUC-12
Watershed”. This erosion also causes channel deepening and widening,
prohibiting floodplain connection. This disconnection starves the adjacent
wetlands of water and exacerbates downstream flooding.
Proposal: Conduct
a stream restoration project with the following goals:
Improve water quality by eliminating bank
erosion and resulting sedimentation, contributing to the possible delisting of
an impaired segment of the Chattahoochee River
Improve habitat for desirable flora and fauna
Reconnect the stream channel with its floodplain
in order to reduce further instream channel erosion and downstream flooding,
and to preserve adjacent wetlands
Restore an aesthetically pleasing landscape to
its natural and pre-impacted state
This project will restore 500 linear feet of stream, using
Natural Channel Design (versus hard armoring or rip-rap installation). Natural
Channel Design techniques use best available science and engineering in order
to effectively remedy streambank erosion rather than diverting the problem
elsewhere in the channel, a result typically seen when hard armoring banks.
This design will incorporate:
Appropriate channel dimension (cross-section),
pattern (plan view), and profile (bedform)
Stable streambanks constructed at a low slope,
with appropriate matting and native vegetation
In-stream structures (e.g., offset boulder cross
vane, boulder cross vane, log vane, log/boulder J-hook, brush toe) to provide
bank protection, grade control, streambed diversity, and improved habitat
Riffles and pools in the streambed to promote
habitat and energy dissipation
Off-line pools constructed in portions of the
remnant channel, in order to provide riparian habitat and flood storage