Friday, February 25, 2022

Foothills March Monthly Meeting - 3/10/22

With the warmer temperatures we’ve had this week it feels like spring out there. I hope everyone is doing well and getting out and enjoying themselves. Thankfully, Covid seems to be abating and restrictions are being curtailed. We will resume our monthly meetings again beginning the 2nd Thursday in March in the community room at the United Community Bank in Clarkesville, Ga. on Louise St. It is my understanding that a speaker has been booked so we will return to our regular schedule, 6 – 6:30 social time, 6:30 – 7 business, 7-8 presentation. I hope everyone will attend.

We continue to mourn the loss of our friend and foothills member Warren Adams. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers through this difficult time.
I look forward to seeing everyone again on March 10th and returning to some semblance of normal.