Great turnout for the U.S. Forest Service sponsored stream project on Boggs Creek this Saturday, August 23rd. The Tailwaters chapter of Trout Unlimited was the lead on this project with our chapter in support. Ron Thomas, Curtis Hixon, Glenn Abernathy, Cord Sanford, Mike Russel, and Ted Jones represented our chapter. Large group of boy scouts were also in attendance to give us all much needed help. Gold Rush and Rabun chapters were also there with helping hands along with a professor and 3 of his students from Truit-McConnel. We built several water structures from logs and finished a dam from rocks. (
Please extend my thanks to the several folks from Foot Hills
chapter that took part in the Boggs Creek stream project. The Forest
Service plans to have another similar project the 3rd week in August next
year and the boy scouts are once again to be in attendance.
Thank You,
Bill Egeland
Tailwater President
Thanks to all the Foothills folks who helped out-- a good day!!