Thursday, March 12, 2020

"Hoot on the Hooch" Postponed

The "Hoot on the Hooch" event has been POSTPONED to a future date... will likely will be rescheduled sometime in the fall of this year.

This was done due to a directive issued by Trout Unlimited for safety concerns of the current Coronavirus Status.  The "Dream Trip" drawing will be still be held but set by the Georgia Council of Trout Unlimited.  The raffle for the Quilt will be held when the "Hoot on the Hooch" is rescheduled.

With the outbreak of the Coronavirus and at the urging from TU National we are postponing our annual fundraising event the Hoot on the 'Hooch. As a chapter, our members are in the at risk population. We believe it is prudent at this time to practice social distancing, preferably on the water, fly fishing. We are looking at rescheduling the 'Hoot for sometime in the fall. We are also canceling our April 9th Foothills Chapter meeting. We will stay abreast of continuing developments and will adjust our meetings and events accordingly.

Please follow us on Facebook as this is our best and fastest way of getting needed information to our membership. You can find us by typing: Georgia Foothills Chapter of Trout Unlimited into the search box on Facebook. If you click on the like button, our posts will automatically pop up on your news feed. Thank You for your patience and understanding during this time. The situation will improve, hopefully sooner rather than later. We will endeavor keep every one informed about Foothills TU events going forward.

Thank You All
Bruce Johnson
President Ga Foothills TU