Friday, October 30, 2015

Rabunites annual fall campout at Oconee State Park

The Rabunites will have our annual fall campout at Oconee State Park from November 4th  -  8th   (Wednesday – Sunday)   We are cooking together for breakfast and dinner.  If you would like to be a part of the action (and share a meal) please send me an email by Sunday, November 1st to reserve your place at the table.  The cost for a meal is $5.00 - just pay the cook when you come!

Here is the link to make camping reservations – or just come up to fish and join us for a meal!  Our main campsite is #82. 

Charlie and I are in #85… here is a quick link to the loop. 

Let me know exactly what meal you choose so we can bring enough boiled peanuts, chitins, and other wild meats wrapped in bacon..
Supper Wed,    Breakfast or Supper Thursday,    Breakfast or Supper Friday,   Breakfast or Supper Saturday,   Breakfast Sunday

Hope you can join us – if you play a musical instrument bring it for Friday or Saturday night..   Frank will bring his harmonica..  That is not to be missed! 

Hope to see you there!


Kathy & Charlie Breithaupt
194 Kitchins Lane
Clayton, GA  30525

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